10 jun 2011

Father's Day

This weekend, it's all about me: FATHER'S DAY.
My baby boy Jack (in real life: the misses her wallet) will have to compensate for aaaaall those times I had to stay at home in the weekend! 
So for all those men, who know the feeling: here's my 'father's day wishlist'.
Bicycle: 'Achielle'
And NO, there's no room for a seat!!!

Glasses: Tom Ford

Leica M9 P Hammertone Camera Leica M9 P Hammertone Limited Edition

 Camera: Leica
MY camera, not for taking pictures in the zoo or the parc!

Cufflinks: 'Vivienne Westwood'

Het Kater Kookboek

Need a 'bed time story'?

For those lonely moments...

Enjoy your weekend.

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